Wednesday, June 12, 2013

                                 "Diet nutrition in chile"
Well, the diet nutrition in chile was awful but it is  improving by the law of nutrition for example in mackay :  The diet nutrition in the mackay school was awful because before they sold so much unhealthy food like potato chips and sugary drinks but with the law of the nutrition for children that said that the kiosk in the schools will have to remove all the unhealthy food an change it for health and nutritive food and now the children are more active and they go less to the kiosk to eat because before they went all day long  but now less children go.

But this law does't include the kiosk out of the school. It said in a graphics that before  the children ate 50% of their daily calories in the school but now they eat 55% of their daily calories at the kiosk out of their school or parks.

 in chile this will change because the minister of education is trying to remake the law and add the kiosk out of the school to this law with a proyect named "elije vivir sano".

if we compare The nutrition in chile with  the nutrition in America we can see that the chile nutrition is better because in the united stade they are trying to remove the unhealthy food but not in a critical way, but in chile they are removing all unhealthy food oviusly in the united states they are trying to remake all unhealthy food and change some of the condiments an put more healthy condiments and do the food more healthy.

In my opinion the nutrition in chile is getting better but we must improve a lot because it is not the work of the chilean govermanet only  because we also have to change our nutritive habits and with these changes we can be a better and healthy community.

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