Friday, September 28, 2012


 To-Do List Meetings and   Activities Meal Planning Shopping
Medo me homeworks.

Mothergo to supermarket lunch:chiken + rise buy :fruits, vegetables and meat
 Sister study for psu breakfast: bread and milk buy: bread and milk


1. According to the presenter, what kind of families have strengths?
2. What kind of contrast does the first interviewee (Tristan) talk about in relation to the way his father and mother react?
3. What is something that Alyssa's mother (2nd interviewee) would give her as a present?
4. David Walsh (4th interviewee) is very happy about something related to his kids. What is it?
5. What did Clifton (6th interviewee) want to teach his son?     

1.-all kinds of families, in all kinds of places
2.-his father said good job good job but his mother was crying (different showing of love) 
3.-a shirt, because she loves her daughter 
4.-his family was a treasure, and now they are together 
5.-families extended are much better, it form a comunity 
is not the only blood family. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

there is the link to my glogster

I honestly think I learned that there are many schools with many differences but these differences make the school special and not to be one of many colleges and that I have enough to be in a school as prestigious.

Letter of Application

Dear Ms. Peggy:

I'm writing to you because I wan't to work in the Canine Dog Home.
I wan't the join because I Wan't some money to buy a new car. I am the right person because I'm young and I love dogs.I like take dogs for a walk,feed them,clean them and be with them.They make me happy.I'm the right person for these job.

I look forward to receiving tour answer soon
Your sincerely 


jose tomas lecourant

Usher questions

1)What TV show did he star in as a mentor? In the American Idol

2)How did he feel participating in the show?He think that it was great, he have differents expectatives

3)What is Usher's second name?The second name is Raymond.

4)What is the name of his last CD?Raymond vs Raymond

5)Where does Usher get his inspiration?
In his personal life.

6)How many kids does Usher have?
He have 2 songs.

7)What does he think about fatherhood?
That he have to make a lot of change,but it the most gratify thing in the life.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

 Colegio Aconcagua                Colegio San Viator de ovalle


Basic Level: Basic First to Sixth                           Timetable is not available                    
Monday to Thursday: 08:00 - 16:30
Friday: 8:00 to 14:00
Seventh and Eighth line:
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 to 16:45
Friday: 8:00 to 13:00
Middle Level:
Monday to Thursday: 08:00 - 16:30
Friday: 8:00 to 13:00
Infant Level:
Monday to Friday:
Day morning 08.30 - 12.30
Day afternoon 14.00 - 18.00

it is a particular school                                  Relates to that a congregation of St. Viator schools

Is at road Troncal Antiguo 01940,                         Is at Antonio Tirado #330 Ovalle.
Paso Hondo, Quilpué 2430000.

 information is not  available                                          approximately one thousand students

it have a principal building, a multicancha;                   it have a multicancha, music class room and a               play ground, swiming pool, gym, gymnasium,               principal  building
tennis field.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

1) they are finishin they act.

2)Diego is using a mask.

3)they they are smiling.

4)four boy are using costumes.

5)Miss carla is using a t-shit

6)Nicolas and Max have their faces painted.

7)a child does not see her face.


1)Lots of sport that can we practise like:Rugby,Football,Athletics and Basketball.

2) IB program that helps you to enter to university.

3)Lots of trips like the trip to the South or to the North and to Europe.

4)good teachers.

5)Mackay 2.0 program that add to all classrooms a computer and a data.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


A huge tiger escaped from the zoo the other day and wandered into the small school ground. The gates were open at the time and nobady saw the tiger enter.When the bell rang for playtime, all childrens went running out to have their break and to eat their sandwiches. At firs none of the childrens noticed the tiger, exept for one inteligen girl who was sitting talking to her best friend. she heard the noise behind her and when she turned round she saw the tiger looking at her, lickling his lips whit his long tongue because he was thirsty and angry. the girl wasn't sure what to do and just sat there with her sandwish in her hand.Then she carfully put the delicious sandwish down on the ground so that the tiger could eat it, and slowly got up and walked away. What a brave girl!!!
                                                DAILY ROUTINE

First I wake up at 6:30 am then I go to the school at 7:15 am.I finish my class at 4:00, 6:00 or 1:45 pm.Then I go to my home on bus when I arrivade to my home I do my homework or if I have test studyand then y wach tv.finaly I dinner at 8:00pm and at 10:00 I go to sleep .thats my daily routine.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

                     A Christmas Carol

José Tomas Lecourant: Ghost of the Present.
Maximiliano Gallardo: Ghost of the Future
Gaspar Martinez: Little Boy, Boy Scrooge and Nephew.
Vicente Carmona: Jacob, Cratshit.
Felipe Fuentes: Scrooge
Carlo Schiappacasse: Ghost of the Past.

Act 1
Scene 1
It was London, 1843, during Christmas, there was a man named Scrooge that was working in his office with his employed Cratshit. Whenthe nephew of Scrooge enters in the room.
(There are two desks, with their respective chairs and a clothes hanger with the hat and the coat of Scrooge)(Lights turn on)
Nephew: (Happily) Hi uncle, merry Christmas.
Scrooge: (Sirius) Nonsense.
Nephew: (Animated) Christmas is not nonsense uncle. You don’t mean that I’m sure.
Scrooge: (In a bad mood) Oh, but I do. Merry Christmas ¿What reason you have to be merry? You are poor.
Nephew: (Happy) Oh, come on, ¿What reason you have to be unhappy?  You are rich enough.
Scrooge: (Angry) Bah, nonsense.
Nephew: (compassionate) Don’t get angry uncle.
Scrooge: (Angry) What else can I be? If it’s going to be my decision, every person that says merry Christmas should be boiled in his own pudding.
Nephew: (Unhappy) Uncle!
Scrooge: (Angry) Keep Christmas in your own way and let me keep it in my.
Nephew: (Slow)Don’t be angry uncle, (happily) comes dine with as tomorrow.
Scrooge:  (Stubbornly) Never. (Sirius) Good afternoon.
Nephew: (Unhappy) I’m sorry with all my heart, to find you so stubborn, but I will keep my Christmas humour to the last, so, merry Christmas uncle and a happy new year.
Scrooge: (Sirius) Good afternoon.
Nephew: (Happy) Merry Christmas Mister Cratchit.
Cratchit: (Softly) Merry Christmas sir.
Scrooge: (Shouting) Good afternoon.
(Nephew gets out of the scenery, a seconds after he leave the scenery Scrooge and Cratchit finish their work and Cratchit helps Scrooge to put on his coat and hat)
Scrooge: I suppose you will want all Christmas free.
Cratchit: (Shy) If is convenient sir.
Scrooge: (Embittered) Is not convenient and is not right. If I deduct half a crown you would consider an abuse of me. But it’s not an abuse when I pay wages in a day without work.
Cratchit: (Softly) Is only one time a year sir.
Scrooge: (Sarcastic) Good excuse robbing a man every December 25. You will be here at first hour in the morning tomorrow, if you want to conserve the work.
(Scrooge and Cratshit leave the scenery, lights off)

Scene 2
(Scrooge is in pyjamas and he is reading in his couch, when he suddenly hears the sound of bells, then he hears footsteps and chains moving, and finally a ghost appears in the room)
Scrooge: (Confuse and frightened) But… What do you want of my?
Jacob: (Ghost voce)You don’t believe me?
Scrooge: (Confident) I don’t, because you maybe arean undigested bit of beef or a piece of undercooked potato.
Jacob: (In that moment delivers a huge shout) I’m wearing the chains I forge in my life and now I have to carry them for the eternity.
Scrooge: No, no you were always a good man of business.
Jacob: (Shouting) Business? Humanity was my business. (He waits a few seconds and then he continues) Hear me; I am here tonight to warn you that you have a chance of escaping of my destiny. You will be visited by three sprits. The First will visit you tomorrow at 1:00. The Second will visit you the next day at the same hour. The Third will visit you the next night at mid night.
(Jacob shout and then he disappears, lights off)

Scene 3
(Scrooge is in his bed sleeping when he awake with the sound of a bell. His bedroom was full of light and a spirit was in his room)
Scrooge: (Exhausted) Are you the spirit, sir, whose coming was foretold to my?
Past: I’m
Scrooge: (Confuse) Who and what are you?
Past: I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.
Scrooge: (Calm) What brings you here?
Past: Your welfare. Take my hand and come with me. 
(Scrooge and Past gets outs the scenery, lights off)

(There is a boy reading, Scrooge and Past enters in the scenery, lights on)
Scrooge: (Happy) Oh, I remember this place, I was a boy here.
Past: This are only shadows of something that has been. (The ghost to a pause and then he continues) The school is not completely empty, there is a solitary boy,abandoned by his friends, is still in the school.
Scrooge: (Unhappy) Poor boy.
Past: Let’s see another Christmas.
(Scrooge and Past left the scenery, lights off)

(There are three desks with their chair and one person in each chair, lights on, Scrooge and Past enters in thescenery)
Past: Do you know this place?
Scrooge: (Happy) Of course, I was an apprentice here. And there is the old Fezziwig.
(A bell rings and Fizziwig stop working)
Fezziwig: (Happily) No more work tonight , is Christmas. It’s time to close put a way everything the party will began.
(In that minute people enters in the local and they started dancing, then lights off)
Scene 4
(Scrooge is in his bed sleeping when he awake with the sound of a bell. His bedroom was full of light and a spirit was in his room)
Present: Come Ebenezer Scrooge, and know me better. I am the ghost of Christmas Present. You have never see the lights of me before.
(Scrooge shakes his head)
Scrooge: (Timdly) Spirit conduct me where you want, if you have something to teach me, let me profit by it.
Present: Touch mi clothes.
 (When Scrooge just touches the clothes the lights go out)

(There is a table with chairs and people in the room, Scrooge and Present are in the room seen all that happens in Cratchit house, in that moment, Cratchit enters in the room with Tim)
Cratchits wife:How did Tim behaves?
Cratchit: As good as gold.
(Then Cratchit family sits on the table)
Cratchit: Merry Christmas to all my dears.God bless as.
(And the rest of the family folow he)
Scrooge: (Fearful) Spirit tell me,Tim will live.
Present:I see an empty seat,in a corner in front of the chimney,and a crutch without an owner carefully preserved. If this shadow don’t change at the future the boy will die.
(Bells rang and the lights off)
Scene 5
                   (There is low light,Scrooge is now with the third ghost)
Scrooge:I am in presence of the ghost of the Christmas future?You will show me the shadows of the things that not happen, but will happen in a time before.
Future: (The ghost says yes with the head)
Scrooge: guide me spirit,guideme.
(Lights off)
(They appear in a graveyard, lights on.)(Future is pointing a stone)
Scrooge: Spirit before I approached to the stone you are pointing, can you answer one question. Are these the shadows of things that would happen or shadows may happen?
(Future continuous pointing the stone and Scrooge saw that the inscription was his name)
Scrooge: (Frightened)No, no spirit I change give me a chance, chance.
(Lights off)

(Lights on, Scrooge is on his bed awake and surprise, and he is laughing)
Scrooge: (while walking in the room) The spirits have giving me another chance. I don’t know what to do. (He saw his calendar)Today is Christmas, I have to remedy all the things I do.
(Scrooge leaves the scenery, lights off)

(There are two desks, with their respective chairs, lights on; Scrooge is sited in one of them, in that minute Cratchit enters in the office.)
Scrooge: Hello…and what do you mean by coming here at this time day?
Cratchit: (nervous)I am very sorry sir. Is only ones a year, it should not be repeated.
Scrooge: Now, I will tell you what, my friend. I will not hold up this longer, and therefore I am about to raise your salary and will strive to help your family. Merry Christmas Bob.
(Lights off)
The end

                                  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  1. He born in Scotland 22 of May 1859 in Edinbourgh.
  2. Some of his talents was Photography, Sportman, Novelist, Ophthalmologist, Ship Doctor.
  3. He moves to Portmouth.
  4. Becaouse his job dosent suscces and he hed bored and star writing storys.
  5. his first significant work was "A Study in Scartlet''.
  6. He write 56 storys of Sherlock Holmes and 4 novels.
  7. He also write the lost word.
  8. She dead in 1906.
  9. Because he all near family dead.
  10. From a heart attack in July 7 in 1930.
  11. He was a inteligent and talent man.
                                                            DIARY ENTRY

Dear diary:today is my third week and two day in this bording school named The Queen Victoria School,today the teacher hit my ten times with a stick in my head because he saw my speaking in class and then he put my five hours in a wood box then we have dictation and I have two wrong words and the teacher said my to write the two words one hundred of times.

In break Vicente toke my lunch and my money because he was hungry and her father dont hive he money.

the best part of the day was when I goes to sleep.

Monday, March 19, 2012

                                        Catching a Leprechaun Competition

group:Jose Tomas Lecourant and Gonzalo Vidal

  1.  the leprechaun go to catch the gold that is on a net .
  2. when hi take the gold the rock that is connected to the net goes down and the net goes up and catch the Leprechaun .
there is the net and then goes up and gatch de leprechaun.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Queen Victoria’s life

Queen victoria born in 24 may 1819  and died in 22 january 1901,victoria was daughter of price edward duke of kent and strathearn son of king George the III,Victoria get maried whit prince Albert of saxe-coburg and gotha in 1840,their palace was tower of london,hapton court palace,banqueting house ,kensington palace and kew palace.the king that was before victoria was George the III.